The OmarOwen narrative unfolds with a singular certainty: his unwavering quest for who we are. A profound truth that navigates him across the earth in search of its diverse and elusive answer. It has been argued he is searching for the Grail. This pursuit defines OmarOwen’s identity, shaping his every interaction and infusing his journey with purpose.
Connecting with diverse populations has inspired OmarOwen to embrace life in all its vigour and wonder. This has allowed him to be expanded by the experiences of his voyages, realising that the grail is in the journey itself, for we are always becoming. And it is this expansion that he wishes to share and continue.
OmarOwen himself hails from Charish Farning, a magical place found only in the map of dreams. Travelling the world OmarOwen has realised that we require spaces of community: spaces of creativity; of inspiration; of respite and rejuvenation; to allow us to discover who we are. A bohemian explorer who upon arriving in new destinations, establishes habitats that transcend mere dwellings.
Each site becomes a vibrant salon teeming with artists, musicians, poets, philosophers, tradesmen, artisans, bon vivants, and all those who journey. Visitors bring offerings - a cherished text, a talisman, an artwork, maybe themselves - as OmarOwen lovingly collects not only personal histories but also the artistry which their lives create. These treasures transform his establishments and as result they beckon seekers of inspiration.
Indeed, OmarOwen's interactions with the world's creative souls influences the very essence of his hideaways - their location, architecture, interior design, and decor. These spaces become environments of inspiration, respite and rejuvenation. OmarOwen creates a destination that is active; one that is constantly evolving.